Distances between cities.

Vyborg castle
The additional information about Vyborg

Photo from Peterburg
The additional information. Petersburg

Distances between cities of Russia.

At travel planning it is useful to know extent of roads. Here you will find distances between some cities of Russia. For an example: the distance between Moscow and Vladivostok makes about 10800 kilometres. Distance between Moscow and Sochi is 1650 kilometres.
See also (new page):
Shopping St.Petersburg
Events St. Petersburg

Astrakhan 2625 Astrakhan
Bryansk 1598 1501 Bryansk
Volgograd 2200 425 1076 Volgograd
Voronezh 1723 1012 521 587 Voronezh
Yekaterinburg 3118 2303 2253 1881 1930 Yekaterinburg
Irkutsk 6273 5442 5389 5436 5066 3439 Irkutsk
Kazan 2033 1686 1163 1099 1148 1104 4240 Kazan
Kaliningrad 2452 2609 1106 2184 1627 3121 6257 2017 Kaliningrad
Krasnoyarsk 5224 4393 4340 3968 4017 2390 1049 3191 5208 Krasnoyarsk
Moscow 1234 1391 364 966 489 1903 5039 799 1218 3990 Moscow
Murmansk 2579 4330 2403 3005 2528 3942 7078 2838 3257 6029 2039 Murmansk
Novosibirsk 4435 3604 3551 3179 3280 1601 1838 2402 4419 789 3201 5240 Novosibirsk
Omsk 3723 2892 2839 2467 2516 889 2550 1690 3707 1501 2489 4528 712 Omsk
St. Petersburg 1435 2070 1043 1645 1168 2582 5718 1478 1897 4669 679 1360 3880 3168 Staint Petersburg
Chelyabinsk 2938 2108 2054 1682 1731 199 3335 905 2922 3081 1704 3743 1497 785 2383 Chelyabinsk
Chita 7386 6555 6502 6130 6355 4552 1113 5353 7370 2957 6152 8191 2951 3663 6831 4448 Chita

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